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Writer's picturePauline Joseph

Social Media Roundup – Week 13

Taking your social in the right direction


Last week, we spoke about a company’s questionable Facebook page and the importance of keeping content relevant to your social media audience. Of course, that doesn’t mean content can’t be fun. A real estate firm has taken a bold approach to their social, mixing genuinely light moments with smart DIY and, of course, houses for sale. Also, all their posts adopt a similar aesthetic. While it will be great to see them incorporate more video content and be more consistent in their posting, this is a solid example of developing a coherent social brand voice.

Rum with class


One thing we love coming across is a campaign that goes beyond the local advertising norm. Recently, this company launched a campaign for its selection of new rums. The main video, as well as the teaser videos and posters, held much character, emotion and charm. It’s powerful storytelling that presents products with a sophisticated calibre to a discerning audience. Like we’ve said in previous blogs, it’s all about understanding your brand and designing messages that elevate your image and put you above your competition.

Becoming NGO-friendly

Earlier this year, we held our free webinar for NGOs which focused on understanding and utilizing social media. One of the more difficult endeavors for NGOs is accessing information relative to their space. It’s great to see inclusive sites like this creating a repository of data for NGOs to take advantage of including a media directory, funding options and a list of non-profits currently on Facebook. Perhaps this can help these organizations to network more effectively and bring more awareness to their cause.

Is there value in Facebook Reactions?

We came across a non-alcoholic beverage utilizing Facebook Reactions to create a fun, choose-your-flavor game. Its been a few months since Reactions was rolled out globally and marketers are still weighing the value of the new emotes. On the one hand, using the ‘love’ emote or ‘anger’ emote instead of ‘Like’ can show an increased level of engagement and sentiment. On the other hand, it can be a frivolous way for audiences to express themselves and doesn’t significantly affect marketing data. For us marketers, experimentation is sometimes the best course of action. Do you think Reactions will be valuable in the long run?

And the 45th President of the United States of America is…

It was a shocking turn of events that we don’t need to reiterate. Take a scroll through any social network and you’re bombarded with news of Trump, the state of the U.S., and by extension, the world. On Wednesday morning, #notmypresident began trending on Twitter. It’s safe to safe this conversation will not be ending anytime soon. How did we get here? Did social media help or aggravate this election? In moments like these, it helps to look back and analyze; Check out these articles from Huffington Post and Adweek for more. Additionally, Brandwatch has fantastic social election data spanning the last year. For us, the status that embodies this situation best comes from a LinkedIn update. For now, we’ll continue to monitor how this unfolds, especially on social.

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