“We don’t have enough bandwidth for this, Nicole.”
I think about that sentence often because let’s face it, corporate jargon isn’t everyone’s forte. Honestly, it can become frustrating when you’re always surrounded by complicated buzzwords. One look at this infographic will remind you that there are worse faux pas than using ‘um’ as a filler in conversation.
The marketing industry is no different. Everyday there is some new word or phrase that have good intentions for enhancing conversations but adds zero value in the long-run. Don’t panic, though; we’re all guilty of it. The understanding lies in familiarizing oneself with the established terms, those that will ultimately add clarity and simplicity to your strategies.
Marketing Objectives
In my last blog, I wrote about the Facebook Audience Insights tool available on the backend of Facebook Business. Facebook’s Ad Manager is another accessible tool there, and it includes an array of marketing objectives to choose from when creating an advertising campaign. It can be overwhelming to deconstruct, and many a client has voiced the same concern over time: “How is any of that relevant to my business?”
The objectives act as a guide for building campaigns that work in tandem with your budget, targets, and goals. There are many guides available that demystify the choices, and allow informed decisions to be made. Remember, it all comes down to your overall marketing plan. Want to double traffic on your website, or drive increased market share, or introduce something new to your product lineup? Then, Facebook has an objective for you.
There are currently eleven objectives at our disposal. Facebook has in-depth information both on their backend and as part of their Facebook Blueprint courses. While it may take some time, every marketer (and anyone dabbling in Facebook Advertising) should be cognizant of and able to differentiate between them.
Here are the top three objectives to get you started:
Brand Awareness
When someone asks you what your favorite ice cream is, what’s the first name that comes to mind? Is it the local mom and pop joint on the corner, or a more well-known brand? This objective allows people to discover your brand, and puts your ad in front of those more likely to recall it later. People make purchase decisions based on what they feel connected to, and brand awareness is a good place to start in forging that connection.
A solid digital strategy includes more than one touchpoint, such as a website or app, and this objective helps direct your Facebook audience to those external destinations. It’s a simple way to encourage persons to read your blog, for example, or visit your landing page. Traffic shouldn’t be confused with Conversions, another more granular objective focused on users taking specific actions on your website, such as opting-in to your email listing or making a purchase.
You don’t need to put a ring on it to use this objective. This is one of the most important activities on social media – cultivating conversation among your audience, and having them react to, comment on and share your content. Additionally, Engagement allows you to promote your page and increase your followers. A well designed ad can get persons talking, and passionately so. Even something as straightforward as pineapple on pizza can be enough to hype your audience.
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